Antenna and wave propagation ppt download
Antenna and wave propagation ppt download

antenna and wave propagation ppt download

Although some users such as radio amateurs often require long distance radio communications and can accommodate linking with others anywhere on the globe.įor other users such as broadcasters and some diplomatic radio communications, specific target areas may be needed. The skip distance is dependent upon a variety of different factors. However for some applications where a specific target area is required, the angle of radiation can be tailored so that the required target region is covered in conjunction with the specific ionospheric region. This means that radio communications links can cover greater distances if low angles of radiation are used. A lower angle of radiation will lead to longer skip distances as a result of the geometry.

  • Angle of radiation: The angle of radiation from the transmitting antenna will also have an impact on the skip distance.
  • Under some circumstances when ionisation levels are high it may be possible for signals to achieve very short skip distances.
  • Ionospheric conditions: The ionospheric conditions play a major role in governing the skip distance.
  • This will mean that higher frequencies tend to lead to longer skip distances. Also higher frequencies tend to be reflected or refracted by higher layers or regions in the ionosphere. Typically as the frequency increases a lower angle of radiation is needed to return the signals to Earth in a shorter distance.
  • Frequency: The frequency of operation has a major influence on the skip distance that can be achieved.
  • The skip distance is dependent upon a variety of factors: at a high angle upwards, they will reach the ionosphere at some point. almost parallel to the Earth, or high, i.e. Normally they will leave the earth at an angle called the angle of radiation. The signals leave the antenna and travel away from it, eventually reaching the ionosphere.

    antenna and wave propagation ppt download

    The skip distance is the distance over the Earth's surface between the point where a radio signal is transmitted, and the point where it is received having travelled to the ionosphere, and been refracted back by the ionosphere. Skywaves travel towards the ionosphere Skip distance The angle between the line of the skywave signal and the Earth’s surface at that point may be shallow or steep. Unlike a ground wave it does not follow the contour of the ground, but instead it is directed towards the ionosphere. The skywave refers to the signal that travels away from the Earth’s surface towards the ionosphere. They have an impact on aspects of radio communications links including the times and frequencies chosen, the antennas used, the transmitters and receivers employed and a variety of other aspects. In order to cover large distances using ionospheric radio propagation the concepts of skywaves, skip distance and skip zone are important. Skywaves, skip zone and skip distances are three key concepts show why radio communications signals are heard in some places and not others. Understanding the way in which HF radio signals actually propagate can help the effects of ionospheric propagation to be used to its best.

    Antenna and wave propagation ppt download how to#

    Ionospheric propagation Ionosphere Ionospheric layers Skywaves & skip Critical frequency, MUF, LUF & OWF How to use ionospheric propagation Multiple reflections & hops Ionospheric absorption Signal fading Solar indices Propagation software NVIS Transequatorial propagation Grey line propagation Sporadic E Spread F

    antenna and wave propagation ppt download

    Ionospheric propagation tutorial includes. Skywaves Skip Distance & Skip Zone Three key topics within ionospheric HF propagation and radio communications are skywaves, skip distance and skip zone.

    Antenna and wave propagation ppt download